CBSE Exam Date 2024 – Advt No. 01/2024

The Central Board of Secondary Education has released the exam dates for various positions including Assistant Secretary, Accountant, Junior Engineer, and Translation Officer. Candidates interested in these positions can find more information on the official website of CBSE. The exam is scheduled to be held on 3rd, 10th, and 11th August 2024.

For more details and updates, visit the official website: [CBSE Official Website](

➤# FAQ

➤➤ 1. How can I apply for the positions mentioned in the advertisement?
To apply for the positions mentioned in the advertisement, candidates need to visit the official website of CBSE and follow the instructions provided for the application process.

➤➤ 2. What is the last date to apply for these positions?
The last date to apply for these positions will be mentioned in the official notification released by CBSE. Candidates are advised to regularly check the official website for updates on the application deadlines.

➤➤ 3. Can I get the syllabus for the exam before the scheduled date?
The exam syllabus will be provided in the official notification released by CBSE. Candidates can refer to the notification for detailed information about the syllabus and exam pattern.

➤➤ 4. Is there any age limit to apply for these positions?
Details about the age limit and eligibility criteria for the positions will be mentioned in the official notification. Candidates are advised to carefully go through the notification before applying.

➤# Conclusion

Candidates interested in the positions of Assistant Secretary, Accountant, Junior Engineer, and Translation Officer under the Central Board of Secondary Education can start preparing for the upcoming exam scheduled on 3rd, 10th, and 11th August 2024. Stay updated with the official website for any further notifications and instructions regarding the recruitment process. Good luck with your preparations!

Updated: May 10, 2024 — 6:02 am
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